Homestay Lela and Mari
Kazbegi - Low Budget - Feel like home in this small guest house with a lovely owner who likes to cook for the guests.
Kazbegi View
Kazbegi - Medium Budget - Relax with a panoramic view in this well designed hotel.
Hotel Migu Yard
Kazbegi - Medium Budget - Modern design chalets with a garden sourrounded by the stunning landscape of Kazbegi.
Fabrika Hostel & Suites
Tbilisi - Low Budget - The hip hostel in an old industrial fabric offers everything backpackers are looking for.
Metekhi’s Galavani Hotel
Tbilisi - Medium Budget - Who doesn’t want to stay at a fancy boutique hotel in old town will love this small georgian style hotel.
Brooch Hotel
Tbilisi - Medium Budget - The combination of great design and a fantastic panorama view makes this place special.
Distances between cities in georgia
Plan a smart itinerary from city to city in Georgia. Have a look at the distance table.
Cool things to do on a road trip (in Georgia)
Make the most out of your time on the road. Read what fun things will make your trip even better.